Guide to Brushing Your Cat or Dog's Teet

How Do We Brush Our Pet's Teeth?

Our pets, despite being incredibly intelligent, don’t understand that brushing their teeth is a key part of maintaining good oral health. Each pet is unique and will require a different amount of time to adapt to the process. The key is teamwork between you and your furry companion!

When Should You Start Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth?

Start as soon as you adopt them! The earlier, the better for establishing a good routine. Ideally, brush their teeth once a day, at the same time each day. A consistent schedule makes it easier for your pet to integrate this habit into their busy daily routine!

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Daily Brushing a Positive Experience

Step 1:
First, get your pet accustomed to having their mouth handled. When your pet is relaxed, gently stroke their face and softly touch their lips, lifting them slightly.

Step 2:
Begin by lifting their lips and using your finger to gently rub their front teeth. Once they’re comfortable, move to the teeth on the sides. To make this step more enjoyable, try putting a small amount of canned food on your finger to create a positive association with the process.

Step 3:
Now, it’s time to introduce a soft-bristle toothbrush or a rubber finger brush. Start brushing very gently, focusing on the surface of their teeth. Once your pet is comfortable with the brush, you can begin using circular motions.

Use a pet-safe enzymatic toothpaste, such as C.E.T., which comes in tasty flavors like chicken, beef, seafood, or mint and vanilla. These toothpastes are designed to make the process enjoyable for your pet while being safe for them to swallow (because we know they definitely will!).

With patience and practice, brushing your pet’s teeth can become a routine both you and your companion enjoy!